52telegram消息:Toncoin, a top 20 cryptocurrency project, will be used by Telegram, the messaging platform, as a payment tool for its new advertisement strategy. Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of Telegram, stated that toncoin would facilitate payments for customers of its advertising platform, announcing that it would share 50% of any profit from these ads with channel owners.
Telegram to Use Toncoin for Ad Platform Payments
Telegram, one of the largest messaging and communication platforms, has announced that toncoin, a top 20 cryptocurrency project, will be at the forefront of its new ad monetization policy. Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of Telegram, reported that the company will implement a new strategy to monetize over one trillion daily views that broadcast channels register.
While Telegram was already monetizing some of this activity by displaying what the company qualified as “privacy-conscious” sponsored messages in large channels, Durov stated that this strategy has only allowed the monetization of 10% of this activity.
Pavel’s new monetization plan includes opening Telegram’s ad platform to all advertisers in over 100 countries. Durov explained that toncoin will provide the payment functionality necessary to manage this economic activity using cryptocurrency.
Furthermore, Durov revealed that 50% of the revenue reached by selling these ads will be shared with channel owners in March, emulating the model that X (formerly known as Twitter) has also implemented in its platform. This was announced in 2021 when Telegram stated it would start “sharing ad revenue with the owners of public channels in which sponsored messages are displayed” after covering the company’s basic costs.
Durov hopes this will start a “virtuous circle,” allowing channel owners to monetize and promote their content with the funds earned from their advertising revenue.
Also, Pavel remarked that toncoin enables channel owners to cash out their funds from the platform if desired. Telegram had relied on toncoin before, leveraging it for payment settlements when it opened the market for platform usernames and premium memberships.