资讯 · 2023年8月16日

新功能:Telegram Stories

走进 Telegram Stories 的精彩世界!在 Telegram 庆祝其 10 岁生日之际,它为您带来了一项备受期待的激动人心的新功能——故事!如果您准备好拥抱社交媒体和消息应用程序的发展,请继续阅读以了解如何在 Telegram 上轻松创建和分享引人入胜的故事。

Telegram 有史以来最受欢迎的功能是 Stories,它于 6 月推出。该发行版于 7 月开始,尽管最初只有高级用户可以访问。Telegram Stories 现在可供所有没有高级会员资格的人使用。

了解如何在 Telegram 上发布故事并带领观众一起参与

什么是 Telegram 故事?

Telegram Stories 开启了内容共享的新维度,是您分享时刻的门户。与您在 Instagram、Snapchat 和 Facebook 上喜爱的故事一样,Telegram Stories 可让您在有限的时间内分享精彩的照片和视频。最好的部分?它们位于您的聊天列表的顶部,使您的关注者可以轻松进入您的世界。

It is not the first time that another has inspired a platform. Just recently, Snapchat announced its BeReal-like feature called After Dark.

It’s time to share your stories in style! Find out how to post a story on Telegram and connect with your followers (Image credit)

Imagine this: you’re on a picturesque hike, and the view from the top is breathtaking. You can capture that vista in a short video clip with Telegram Stories and share it with your friends. They get to experience the serenity of that mountaintop, even if they’re miles away.

But it doesn’t end there. Telegram Stories aren’t just about sharing; they’re about engagement. Your followers can react and interact with your stories – they can send emojis, messages, or even funny stickers that add a layer of fun to the experience.

How to post a story on Telegram

Curious to get started? First, be a subscriber of Telegram Premium. Now let’s walk through the simple steps of crafting your very own Telegram Story:

Update and dive in: First things first, ensure your Telegram app is up-to-date. Then, tap into the Stories section at the top of your chat list – it’s like stepping into a whole new realm of sharing!

Unleash your creativity: Feeling inspired? Hit that camera icon to begin your storytelling journey. Choose “Create a Story” and get ready to share the excitement.

Tailor your audience: Telegram understands that sharing is all about choices. Select who gets a front-row seat to your story – everyone, your contacts, a select few individuals, or your close friends.

Time is of the essence: Decide how long your masterpiece will grace the digital stage. Whether it’s a quick six-hour encore or a permanent showstopper, the choice is yours!

Polishing touches: Review your creation with a satisfied grin. Adjust your captions, perfect the on-screen text – all without breaking a sweat or deleting anything!

Lights, camera, action! It’s showtime! Post your story and let the magic unfold as you share it with your chosen audience.

Want to make your friends smile? Learn how to post a story on Telegram and spread some joy (Image credit)

The Telegram Twist: Editing freedom and targeted sharing

Telegram Stories aren’t your typical tales – they’re better. Here’s what sets them apart:

Editing freedom

No need to stress about perfection from the get-go! Unlike other platforms, Telegram Stories let you edit your content even after it’s out there. Tweak captions, visibility settings, and more, all without the drama of deleting and starting over.

Targeted sharing

Privacy is a priority. You call the shots on who gets a glimpse of your story. Share with everyone, your inner circle, or hand-picked pals – this unique approach adds a touch of personalization to your storytelling.

Possible scenarios: How Telegram Stories benefit the platform

As Telegram introduces its eagerly anticipated Stories feature to the world, it’s not just about adding a trendy element to the app. Telegram Stories hold immense potential to benefit the platform and its users in several meaningful ways.